After the order of the Supreme Court, the Jammu and Kashmir state assembly elections have been announced. With this announcement, the political atmosphere has started heating up for elections in Jammu and Kashmir after 10 years. These assembly elections will be held there in three phases. These elections will be held from 18 September to 01 October.
The Election Commission has announced the Jammu and Kashmir state assembly elections after the order of the Supreme Court. With this announcement, the political atmosphere has started heating up for elections in Jammu and Kashmir after 10 years. These assembly elections will be held there in three phases. These elections will be held from 18 September to 01 October. Voting will be done in just 14 days. However, elections will not be held on the number of seats that were determined in the state in the delimitation. There are a total of 114 assembly seats in Jammu and Kashmir, but after the delimitation of assembly seats in the state, elections will be held only on 90 seats.
Due to political and administrative changes in POK i.e. Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, elections are scheduled for only 90 of these seats. Out of the 114 seats, 24 seats are reserved for areas of Pakistan administered Kashmir, which means that elections cannot be contested on them. Therefore, the effective number of seats available for election is 90. 43 in Jammu division and 47 in Kashmir division. Assembly elections are going to be held here for the first time after the special status of the state was abolished. The last assembly elections in the state were held in November-December 2014 i.e. ten years ago.
After the election, a coalition of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Democratic Party and Bharatiya Janata Party formed the state government, with Mufti Mohammad Sayeed as the Chief Minister. Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed died on 7 January 2016. Governor’s rule was then imposed for a short time. Mehbooba Mufti was then sworn in as Chief Minister there. In June 2018, BJP withdrew its support from the PDP-led government. After this, Governor’s rule was imposed in Jammu and Kashmir. In November 2018, Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik dissolved the state assembly. President’s rule was imposed on 20 December 2018.
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