The Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday approved the expansion of private FM radio services to 234 new cities across India. The move is part of the third batch of incremental e-auctions under the Private FM Radio Phase III policy, offering 730 new channels. The estimated reserve price for these channels has been fixed at Rs 784.87 crore. Besides, the Cabinet approved a new annual licence fee (ALF) for these FM channels, which will be 4% of their gross revenue, excluding goods and services tax (GST). This fee structure will be applicable to FM channels launched in these 234 new cities.
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This expansion is aimed at meeting the growing demand for FM radio in areas where private FM broadcasting currently does not reach. It will bring local content, often in the regional languages of these areas, to new listeners. The rollout is also expected to create new employment opportunities and promote local dialects and culture, thereby supporting the government’s ‘Vocal for Local’ initiative.
Many of the cities and towns included in the scheme are located in aspirational districts and areas affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE). The introduction of private FM radio in these areas is expected to strengthen government reach and improve communication. The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the setting up of 12 new industrial cities in 10 states at an estimated investment of Rs 28,602 crore to boost domestic manufacturing. Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Ashwini Vaishnav informed about this important decision taken in the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA).
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The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Vaishnav said that the Union Cabinet has approved 12 new project proposals with an estimated investment of Rs 28,602 crore under the National Industrial Corridor Development Program (NICDP). These industrial cities will be located in Khurpiya in Uttarakhand, Rajpura-Patiala in Punjab, Dighi in Maharashtra, Palakkad in Kerala, Agra and Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh, Gaya in Bihar, Zaheerabad in Telangana, Orvakal and Kopparthi in Andhra Pradesh, Jodhpur-Pali in Rajasthan and Haryana.