As soon as Telegram CEO was arrested, Elon Musk targeted Zuckerberg, said- children are being exploited on Instagram

After the arrest of Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram app, many people have reacted to it. Now X and SpaceX owner Elon Musk has also reacted to it. He said that the same is happening on Facebook and Instagram, but Zuckerberg was not arrested. Musk has also explained the reason behind this.
Demand for action against Zuckerberg
Elon Musk said that on one hand, governments of most countries are justifying the arrest of Pavel Durov. While on the other hand, problems like child abuse are being seen in their own countries through Instagram and Facebook. Things like abuse have been reported on a large scale on Instagram before. In his reply, Musk targeted Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. He said that Zuckerberg is already working on the instructions of the government. Therefore, he will not be arrested.
Elon Musk did not stop here, he further said that Zuckerberg shares the data of his users with the governments. Because of which the governments are not paying much attention to him. Zuckerberg is roaming around freely.
Let us tell you that CEO Pavel Durov was arrested on Saturday evening at Bourget Airport outside Paris. According to French local media, he has been arrested in order to stop criminal activities on the messaging app due to lack of moderators on Telegram. According to reports, Pavel can be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison for failing to moderate content.

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