Vaishnav said, ‘We hope that passenger operations of Vande Sleeper coach will start in three months, it is a full sleeper version.’ He further said, ‘With great care, 4 trains like Vande Chair Car, Vande Sleeper, Vande Metro and Amrit Bharat have been configured with many safety features, keeping in mind the facilities for the staff.’
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav on Sunday visited the Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) factory in Bengaluru, from where he showed a glimpse of the first model of Vande Bharat Sleeper Train. He said that the manufacturing work of the coach has been completed and it will come out of the factory soon. Vaishnav also said that the testing of the train will go on for the next 2 months and Vande Bharat Sleeper Train will start in the third month. Along with this, the minister also laid the foundation stone of Vande Bharat Manufacturing Establishment in the ‘Bharat Earth Movers Limited’ (BEML) premises.
Vaishnav said, ‘We hope that passenger operations of Vande Sleeper coach will start in three months, it is a full sleeper version.’ He further said, ‘With great care, 4 trains like Vande Chaircar, Vande Sleeper, Vande Metro and Amrit Bharat have been configured keeping in mind the facilities for the staff, with many safety features. Also, it is a middle class ride, so its fare will be affordable. Many innovations have also been brought in the design. A separate cabin has also been made for the maintenance staff. Its testing will go on for the next one and a half to two months and after three months it will come into service.’
#WATCH Bengaluru, Karnataka: Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said, “With utmost care, 4 trains namely Vande Chaircar, Vande Sleeper, Vande Metro and Amrut Bharat have been configured with many safety features, amenities for the staff… along with this…
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) September 1, 2024
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