The police have taken the accused into custody and are questioning him. On this incident, Giriraj said that I am not going to be scared of such incidents. But people like Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav will stand in support of this man for votes because he has a beard.
There has been an attempt to attack Union Textile Minister and MP Giriraj Singh. Actually, Giriraj Singh was listening to the problems of the people during the Janta Darbar in Balia block of Begusarai. Meanwhile, a man wearing a white cap reached there, first he took the mic and spoke some nonsense. After this, the BJP leaders present there protested. However, it did not affect him. He went closer to Giriraj Singh and tried to punch him. The security personnel present there caught him. The youth has been identified as Mo Saifi. He is also said to be a ward councilor.
The police have taken the accused into custody and are questioning him. On this incident, Giriraj said that I am not going to be scared of such incidents. But people like Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav will stand in support of this man for votes because he has a beard. The incident took place in Ballia block. He directly alleged that growing a beard does not make one a mullah and he is not going to be scared of the way Muslim youth are intimidating him.
Senior BJP leader and Union minister Giriraj Singh on Saturday welcomed the abolition of “Friday namaz holiday” in the Assam assembly, where it was in force since the British era. Speaking to reporters in his Lok Sabha constituency Begusarai district of Bihar, Singh also criticised India Bloc leaders for objecting to the move in the BJP-ruled northeastern state. “I thank the assembly speaker and the state government in Assam for taking this step. There has to be uniformity in the law and no preference should be given to any religious community,” Singh said.
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