The Election Commission of India (ECI) has announced a change in the polling date for the Haryana assembly elections. It has been shifted from October 1 to October 5. Following this, the counting day for both Jammu and Kashmir and Haryana assembly elections has been extended from October 4 to October 8. The ECI said that the decision has been taken to respect both the voting rights and traditions of the Bishnoi community, who have maintained the centuries-old practice of participating in the Asoj Amavasya festival in memory of their guru Jambheshwar.
In the past, the Commission has also adjusted election dates to respect the sentiments of various communities. For instance, during the Punjab Assembly elections in 2022, the Commission postponed the election by a week to accommodate devotees visiting Varanasi for Guru Ravidas Jayanti. Similarly, during the 2022 Assembly elections in Manipur, the Commission changed the polling dates to respect the Sunday prayers of the Christian community.
Similarly, in the 2023 Rajasthan assembly elections, the commission rescheduled polling originally scheduled to take place on Devuthani Ekadashi, a day important for mass marriages in Rajasthan. In the UP assembly elections 2012, the polling date was changed due to Baravafaat. Incidentally, the revised polling day will also address any concerns of a six-day holiday by taking a day off on September 30, 2024. Congress leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda said it is the Election Commission’s right, they have extended the date. They (BJP) have already accepted defeat in Haryana. When the Haryana government wrote to the Election Commission, I had said at that time that the BJP has accepted defeat.
Election Commission of India (ECI) revises polling day for Haryana from October 1 to October 5, 2024 and accordingly counting day for J&K and Haryana Assembly elections from October 4 to October 8, 2024
The decision has been taken to honour both the voting rights and the…
— ANI (@ANI) August 31, 2024