Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has given instructions to celebrate the holy festival of Shri Krishna Janmashtami with traditional devotion in all reserve police lines, police stations and prisons before the Janmashtami festival. This information was given in an official statement on Sunday. The statement said that “On the occasion of Janmashtami, the birth of Lord Krishna will be celebrated with great joy and devotion in homes and temples as well as police stations, prisons and police lines in the entire state.”
Yogi has ordered to ensure proper security, cleanliness and other arrangements during the events of Krishna Leela, tableau and procession across the state. Apart from this, instructions have also been given to deploy adequate police force at crowded places. In compliance with Yogi’s instructions, Director General of Uttar Pradesh Prison Administration and Reform Services PV Rama Shastri has issued instructions to celebrate Sri Krishna Janmashtami traditionally in all the prisons of the state.
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Chief Minister Yogi has issued necessary guidelines to the officials on Sunday regarding the Janmashtami festival. He said that the festival of Shri Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated with devotion and pomp in Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krishna, in which lakhs of devotees from the country and abroad come to participate. The Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi / Shahi Idgah Mosque site located in Mathura city is very sensitive. This place is also on the target of ISI and various terrorist organizations. In view of this, instructions have been given to make special vigilance and proper arrangements of police force.
According to the statement, the Chief Minister has also given instructions to avoid any kind of dispute during the worship and procession. He said that disputes are often seen regarding the decoration of tableaux at disputed sites and the route of the procession. For this, he has instructed to be cautious. He said that videography should be done during the procession for security reasons, CCTV cameras located around all the event venues and on the route of the procession should be activated and important sensitive places should be monitored with drone cameras.
Yogi instructed that all the events, Leela Sthal, Pandals, Temples and processions related to Shri Krishna Janmashtami in all the districts should be listed and police arrangements should be made in a planned manner. He said that strong security and traffic management should be ensured by estimating the possible number of devotees coming to all the events.
The Chief Minister said that no new tradition should be allowed at any cost. Yogi said that clear instructions should be given to subordinate employees that they should go to their beats and investigate all kinds of disputes and officers should go to the spot as soon as they get information and resolve the dispute in time. While fixing accountability, he also said that the morning patrolling team should conduct a thorough investigation and ensure that no objectionable posters are put up anywhere.
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He said that apart from all the security arrangements, the police department should also ensure that this holy festival is celebrated in a traditional manner with joy and decency. He said that no indecent program should be organized on this occasion. The Chief Minister said that the concerned Police Commissioner, District In-charge and Commander should review the programs to be organized in this regard in advance and ensure at every level that no indecent and obscene dialogue or dance takes place.