Pawan Khera said that when you work in a company, you get salary from there. However, when the SEBI Chairperson was a full-time member of SEBI, she was receiving regular income from ICICI Bank, Prudential and ESOP from 2017-2024. A person holding such a high position in the regulatory body was receiving payment from somewhere else. This is a complete violation of Section 54 of SEBI. Before assuming the role of SEBI Chairperson from March 2022, Buch was a full-time member of SEBI from April 5, 2017 to October 4, 2021.
The Congress on Monday accused Sebi Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch of conflict of interest, alleging that she was receiving regular income from a private bank while being a full-time member of the market regulatory body. The opposition party also asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to explain her appointment. At a press conference in Delhi, the Congress alleged that since the current Sebi chairperson took over in 2017, she has not only been drawing a salary from Sebi but has also been holding, and continuing to receive, a position of profit in ICICI Bank and its holdings.
Pawan Khera said that when you work in a company, you get salary from there. However, when the SEBI Chairperson was a full-time member of SEBI, she was receiving regular income from ICICI Bank, Prudential and ESOP from 2017-2024. A person holding such a high position in the regulatory body was receiving payment from somewhere else. This is a complete violation of Section 54 of SEBI. Before assuming the role of SEBI Chairperson from March 2022, Buch was a full-time member of SEBI from April 5, 2017 to October 4, 2021.
In its press release, the Congress alleged that the total amount received by Buch from ICICI from the time he joined SEBI in 2017 till date is Rs 16.8 crore, which is a staggering 5.09 times the amount he received from SEBI during the same period, which is Rs 3.3 crore.
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