The RBI has announced an update to its e-mandate framework. The RBI on Thursday updated its electronic mandate framework to allow automatic replenishment for FASTag and National Common Mobility Card.
Under the existing e-mandate system, customers receive a pre-debit notification at least 24 hours before any debit takes place from their accounts. However, given the recurring but irregular nature of FASTag and NCMC transactions, the RBI announced in June that these auto-replenishments would now be supported within the e-mandate framework.
According to an RBI circular, “Under the e-mandate framework, it has been decided to include auto-replenishment of FASTag and NCMC whenever the balance falls below the limit set by the customer.” Payments for auto-replenishment, as they are recurring in nature but without any fixed periodicity, will be exempt from the requirement of pre-debit notification.
This enhancement allows customers to set limit levels for their FASTag and NCMC balances, ensuring seamless top-ups without the need for advance notice. By integrating auto-replenishment into the e-mandate system, RBI aims to provide users with greater convenience and flexibility to manage their mobility card balances.
Meanwhile, from August 1, the National Payments Corporation of India also introduced new FASTag rules aimed at streamlining toll collection, reducing congestion and increasing the efficiency of the country’s roads. These changes also made it necessary for users to update their accounts to avoid possible inconveniences at toll plazas.