The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has filed a chargesheet against former Member of Parliament (MP) Prajwal Revanna on charges of rape and his father and MLA HD Revanna on charges of sexual assault. The SIT, which is probing four cases against Prajwal, said the over 2,000-page chargesheet contains statements of nearly 150 witnesses. The chargesheet, submitted in a special court for public representatives, pertains to one of the cases involving alleged sexual assault on the family’s domestic maid.
The chargesheet against former JD(S) MP Prajwal Revanna in the sexual assault case runs into 2,144 pages. Further, the SIT said that expert opinion was taken before filing the chargesheet. While MLA Revanna, who is the son of former Prime Minister and JD(S) supremo HD Devegowda, has been charged under Sections 354 and 354 (A) of the IPC, his 33-year-old son Prajwal has been booked under Sections 376, 376 (2) (k), 354, 354 (A) and 354 (B) of the IPC.
The first complaint against the father-son duo was filed based on the complaint of a domestic help at their residence. The victim, who was also a relative of the MLA’s wife Bhavani, alleged that she was sexually assaulted multiple times. Prajwal had contested the recent Lok Sabha elections as an NDA candidate from Hassan and lost. Ahead of the second phase of the Lok Sabha elections on April 26, a large number of explicit videos surfaced on social media allegedly showing several women being sexually assaulted by Prajwal. Following this, Karnataka State Women’s Commission chairperson Nagalakshmi Chowdhary sought an inquiry and wrote to the Congress government, following which a probe was ordered.
Karnataka | Special Investigation Team (SIT) has filed a chargesheet of 2144 pages against former JD(S) MP Prajwal Revanna in the sexual assault and rape case.
— ANI (@ANI) August 24, 2024