Nashik: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said his government has fulfilled its promise by implementing the ‘Majhi Ladki Behin’ scheme and is also committed to ensuring the safety of women in the state. Addressing a women empowerment conference organised on the implementation of the ‘Ladki Behin’ scheme, the chief minister promised that if women give their blessings to his government, their future will be even better. Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, ministers Dadaji Bhuse and Chhagan Bhujbal and other dignitaries were present at the event.
He said, “We are people who keep promises. My sisters (beneficiaries) got money in their bank accounts two days before Raksha Bandhan. Out of 11 lakh applicants for the ‘Ladki Behen’ scheme in Nashik district, eight lakh got the money. About 1.40 crore women have received money in the state.” He assured that women whose forms have not been processed yet and those who submit their forms by August 31 will be given three months’ money in one go. Shinde claimed that opposition parties are criticising the scheme because they are unable to digest its success.
Under the ‘Ladki Behen’ scheme, a monthly assistance of Rs 1,500 is provided to married, divorced and destitute women in the age group of 21-60 years, whose annual family income limit is Rs 2.5 lakh. Shinde said the incident of sexual assault of two girls in Badlapur was sad, but prompt action was taken and the culprit was caught. He said, “Our government will demand death penalty for the accused. Opposition parties politicised the incident. Just like we gave ‘Ladki Behen’, we will give ‘Surakshit Behen’. They are trying to spread hatred by opposing this scheme. Those who earned money during the Covid-19 pandemic now call themselves sensitive.”
Shinde said the monthly assistance could be increased to Rs 3,000 if women bless the government. The chief minister said his government has also launched a scheme for waiving electricity bills for farmers and a training scheme for youths. Slamming opposition parties for criticising the ‘Ladki Behen’ scheme, Fadnavis said those who were born in rich households and pay Rs 1,500 as tip in hotels will not understand the importance of this amount. “This amount has helped women balance their family expenses and has given them respect,” he said. Certificates of various schemes were distributed to beneficiaries during the programme. Shinde also held discussions with some representatives of the Maratha community at the event.