WhatsApp has seen many changes since Meta AI joined the personal messaging app. According to a report by WABetainfo, now there may be more changes in the app with the new update of Meta AI, which can provide voice chat mode to the AI chatbot.
According to the report, Meta AI on WhatsApp may soon get a ‘voice chat’ mode, which will allow users to communicate better with the chatbot and personalize their conversations. This feature was first spotted by WABetainfo on the WhatsApp Beta for Android update, which is available on the Google Play Store and may soon come to the stable version of the app as well.
Real-time conversations with Meta AI on WhatsApp
The new voice chat mode will allow users to have real-time conversations with the Meta AI using voice commands. The new feature is expected to lead to faster, more natural, and more efficient conversations with the Meta AI, as speaking is faster than typing. The Meta AI will reportedly be able to answer user queries in a selected voice, which can be changed according to the user’s preferences.
Additionally, WhatsApp is testing a shortcut to instantly invoke Meta AI’s voice chat mode by pressing the floating action button in the chat list.
WhatsApp users will also be able to manually activate the voice chat mode, which will allow the chatbot to continuously listen to their conversations and stop it by leaving the chat or switching to chat mode. Users will be able to easily verify that Meta AI’s voice chat mode is off, simply by noticing that the visual indicator disappears from their screen when they leave the chat.