WhatsApp users love experimenting with stickers and sharing them with their friends. Now, the messaging app is rolling out even more tools to make stickers fun, interactive, and creative. The Meta-owned platform has confirmed some interesting additions, including the ability to create custom stickers using the Meta AI chatbot within the messaging app. The platform is also working with the popular GIPHY to help you discover new stickers.
WhatsApp stickers update – What users will get
GIPHY stickers are now searchable in WhatsApp, bringing a wider catalog of stickers to the messaging app. All you have to do is tap on the sticker icon and search for stickers using text or emoji. This tab is available in the tray next to emojis, GIFs, and GIPHY stickers.
WhatsApp is finally bringing a custom sticker maker for Android users after a long wait. iPhone users have been using this feature for some time, allowing you to create, edit and share stickers made using personal photos or others.
Meta AI Stickers is now apparently included, allowing you to create stickers with the help of text prompts through an AI chatbot in WhatsApp. The feature is currently available for iPhone and Android users in the US, but testing has already begun in more countries. Since most of WhatsApp’s features are protected behind its reliable encryption, we assume stickers and AI stickers will also be protected by its standards.
This is the latest version of Meta AI introduced in WhatsApp in recent months. The messaging app is already testing new use cases for the AI chatbot powered by the Llama 3 AI model. We may soon see Meta AI working via voice which will make it a powerful rival to ChatGPT 4o voice mode but it will be available as a free feature for millions.