Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh). Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced on Sunday that one lakh youth would be recruited in the state police in the next two years. In his address at the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) meeting and membership workshop in Varanasi on Sunday, the chief minister said that one lakh youth would be recruited in the Uttar Pradesh Police in the next two years. Yogi said that two lakh youth would be recruited in government jobs in the coming two years.
While praising his government, he said, “Today there is no discrimination against the youth in the state. The youth are being linked to government jobs in a fair and transparent manner.” Yogi claimed that in the last seven and a half years, his government has given jobs to more than six and a half lakh youth. He said, “Yesterday (Saturday) we successfully completed the written examination of the biggest police recruitment process in the state, due to which more than 60200 youth will get a chance to serve in the police force.”
In the meeting of the working committee of the BJP’s state youth wing and the membership workshop, Yogi said that politics is not a means of attaining power or achieving selfish ends, but it should become a medium for promoting the values of state and national interest. In his address, the Chief Minister took a jibe at the opposition Samajwadi Party (SP) and Congress and said, “This is a very strange situation, the great men whose values were ridiculed till yesterday are being praised today for votes.” He said, “Remember, these are the same people who do not hesitate to shelter those who spew venom against the country.”
Yogi said, “Who does not know the faces of Samajwadi Party? It is the same Congress which has ruled the country for the longest time and also opposed Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.” Before this, Yogi reached Varanasi on Sunday afternoon. As soon as he reached Kashi, the Chief Minister bowed his head in Baba Kaal Bhairav and Shri Kashi Vishwanath temple. After landing on the Police Line helipad, the Chief Minister reached Baba’s court and worshiped according to the rituals. District administration officials said that the Chief Minister went to Baba’s sanctum sanctorum in Shri Kashi Vishwanath temple and prayed for public welfare by performing Shodashopachar puja.