Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Jodhpur on Sunday to participate in the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Rajasthan High Court. During this, the Chief Minister of the state Bhajanlal Sharma and Law and Justice Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal were also present on the stage. Here PM Modi inaugurated the museum of the Rajasthan High Court. After this, in his address, the PM said that I am happy that I am present among you all today in the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Rajasthan High Court. The 75 years of the Rajasthan High Court have come at a time when our Constitution is also going to complete its 75 years. Therefore, this is also a celebration to celebrate the justice-loyalty and contributions of many great people.
PM said, ‘The history of unity of our nation is linked to the existence of Rajasthan High Court. You all know, when Sardar Patel united the country by integrating more than 500 princely states, many princely states of Rajasthan were also included in it. Many princely states like Jaipur, Udaipur and Kota also had their own High Courts. Rajasthan High Court came into existence due to their integration i.e. national unity, this is also the founding stone of our judicial system. The stronger this founding stone is, the stronger our country and the systems of the country will be.’
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The PM said, ‘I believe, justice is always simple and clear, but sometimes the processes make it difficult. It is our collective responsibility to make justice as simple and clear as possible and I am satisfied that the country has taken many historic and decisive steps in this direction.’ He further said, ‘We have abolished hundreds of colonial laws that have become completely irrelevant. After so many decades of independence, overcoming the mentality of slavery, the country has adopted the ‘Indian Judicial Code’ in place of the Indian Penal Code.’
PM Modi said, ‘Today the dreams of the country are big, the aspirations of the countrymen are also big. Therefore, it is important that we do new innovations according to the new India and modernize our systems. This is equally important for ‘Justice for All’.’ He said, ‘Today more than 18 thousand courts in the country have been computerized. I have been told that information of more than 26 crore cases has been linked to the National Judicial Data Grid on a centralized online platform. Today more than 3 thousand court complexes and more than 1,200 jails of the whole country have been connected with video conferencing and I am happy that Rajasthan is also working at a very fast pace in this direction.’
PM Modi said, ‘Our judiciary has continuously fulfilled the moral responsibility of being vigilant and active on national issues. The example of the removal of Article 370 from Kashmir and the constitutional integration of the country is before us. The example of humanitarian law like CAA is before us.’ He said, ‘Just now on this 15th August, I have talked about secular civil code from the Red Fort. Even though a government has become so vocal on this issue for the first time, but our judiciary has been advocating it for decades. This clear stand of the judiciary on the issue of national unity will further increase the trust of the countrymen on the judiciary.’
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PM Modi said, ‘I am confident that our courts will continue to give top priority to ease of justice. It is very important that in the dream of a developed India that we are moving forward with, there should be a guarantee of simple, accessible and easy justice for everyone.’