Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan in Delhi on Tuesday. Pinarayi Vijayan visited Delhi after a massive landslide in Wayanad. Giving information about the meeting, the Kerala CMO said that the rehabilitation of Wayanad was discussed in the meeting. Apart from this, the state government has also submitted an additional, detailed memorandum, which was requested by the Center. It is worth noting that heavy rains caused a massive landslide in Wayanad, Kerala, killing 308 people, while hundreds were injured and missing.
Also read: Banks should take steps to provide financial help to Wayanad landslide victims: Vijayan
The landslide that occurred on July 30 left a trail of destruction, especially in Chooralmala and Mundakkai areas of Meppadi region. Given the difficult conditions, the Indian Army and Air Force stepped in to rescue operations along with the NDRF and saved more than a thousand lives. During the rescue operation, the affected areas were divided into six zones based on accessibility and possibilities of recovery of missing persons namely Zone 1 – Punchirimattam area, Zone 2 – Mundakkai area, Zone 3 – School area, Zone 4 – Chooralmala town area, Zone 5 – Village area and Zone 6 – Downstream.
Also read: Wayanad landslide: Kerala CM Vijayan praises police rescue operation
The Uttar Pradesh government has given an assistance of Rs 10 crore to the Kerala government for relief and rehabilitation work in the landslide-affected Wayanad district. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath gave this information through an official letter to Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan on Monday. Adityanath said in a letter that his government and the people of UP stand in solidarity with the people of Kerala during this difficult situation.