Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a big statement on the Kolkata incident on Sunday. He said that crime against women is an unpardonable sin. Along with this, he told the political parties and state governments that whoever is guilty, he should not be spared. Let us tell you, PM has given this statement while addressing the ‘Lakhpati Didi Sammelan’ organized in Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
PM Modi said, ‘Today I will once again tell every political party of the country and the state government that crime against women is an unpardonable sin. Whoever is guilty, he should not be spared. Those who help him in any way should not be spared.’ He further said, ‘Whether it is a hospital, school, office or police system, everyone should be held accountable for negligence at whatever level. Our government is also continuously making laws stricter to give the harshest punishment to those who commit atrocities on women.’
PM Modi said, ‘Our government is constantly making laws stricter to give the harshest punishment to those who commit atrocities on women. Today, such a large number of sisters and daughters of the country are here. I want to tell you this in particular. Earlier there were complaints that FIRs were not registered on time, there was no hearing, there was delay in cases. We have removed many such obstacles in the Indian Judicial Code. A whole chapter has been created in it regarding atrocities on women and children. If the victim women do not want to go to the police station, then they can register e-FIR from home. We have also ensured that no one will be able to tamper with the e-FIR at the police station level.’
#WATCH | Maharashtra: Addressing the Lakhpati Didi Sammelan in Jalgaon, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says “Our government is also continuously making laws stricter to give the harshest punishment to those who commit atrocities on women. Today, such a large number of sisters and…
— ANI (@ANI) August 25, 2024
The PM further said, ‘The new laws have provided death penalty and life imprisonment for sexual crimes against minors. Many cases of fraud in the name of marriage with daughters have come to light. Earlier there was no clear law for this. Now false promises of marriage and deception have also been clearly defined in the Indian Judicial Code. I assure you, the central government is with the state governments in every way to stop atrocities against women. We have to stop only by eliminating this mentality from Indian society. Therefore, today India is moving forward on the path of development and Maharashtra has a very big role in this. Maharashtra is a shining star of developed India.’
#WATCH | Maharashtra: Addressing the Lakhpati Didi Sammelan in Jalgaon, Prime Minister Narendra Modi says “The new laws have provision for death penalty and life imprisonment for sexual crimes against minors. There have been many cases of cheating in the name of marriage with…
— ANI (@ANI) August 25, 2024
Let us tell you, a female resident doctor was raped and murdered in RG Kar Medical College. Protests are being held across the country regarding this incident. The Supreme Court has taken cognizance of the matter. The CBI is investigating this case. The main accused Sanjay Roy is being subjected to a polygraph test in the presence of CBI officials in Kolkata on Sunday. Earlier, the CBI had conducted a polygraph test of four people including the former principal of the hospital, Sandip Ghosh, on Saturday.