Executive Director Mukesh Kumar Sharma received this prestigious honour on behalf of the organisation at a ceremony held at Raj Bhavan Goa in the presence of Goa Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant, Rajya Sabha Member Sadanand Tanavade and other dignitaries.
Lucknow. Population Services International-India (PSI-India), which is engaged in spreading awareness about cleanliness in the capital Lucknow, was honored with the prestigious CSR Times Award-2024 at the 11th National CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Summit. Executive Director Mukesh Kumar Sharma received this prestigious honor on behalf of the organization at a ceremony held at Raj Bhavan Goa in the presence of Goa Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant, Rajya Sabha member Sadanand Tanavade and other dignitaries.
On this occasion, Mr. Sharma said that if we want to make people healthy, then it is necessary to first run a cleanliness campaign there. Under this, this ‘Swachh Uday’ campaign is being run with the thought ‘Lucknow will become healthy only if it becomes clean’. This unique project ‘Swachh Uday’, being run in 16 wards of Lucknow with the help of HCL Foundation, has the full support of Lucknow Municipal Corporation. The organization has been awarded this honor under the commendable efforts being made by PSI-India in the direction of environmental management, forest, river and water conservation, climate action and healthy India-developed India. It is known that PSI India, in collaboration with Lucknow Municipal Corporation, is engaged in creating awareness about cleanliness in the localities, maintenance of water, clean drinking water, security of submersible water stand post, systematic disposal of garbage and use of door-to-door garbage vehicle services, use of septic tanker services by forming Mohalla Swachhta Samitis.
Apart from this, children are being taught the correct way of handwashing so that their behaviour changes from the very beginning. Eating with contaminated hands, touching eyes and nose surround children with many infectious diseases and make them malnourished. For this purpose, children are being taught the way to wash their hands properly after defecation and before eating so that they can become healthy and their education does not get affected. Women health committees are also being activated to help in this campaign. Ward councillors are also appreciating this campaign and are working with full force to make their wards clean and healthy.
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