Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy criticised BRS leader KT Rama Rao for opposing the move to install a statue of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in front of the state secretariat complex on Rajiv Gandhi’s 80th birth anniversary and said his government will go ahead with its decision.
Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Tuesday criticised BRS leader KT Rama Rao for opposing the move to install a statue of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi in front of the state secretariat complex here and said his government will go ahead with its decision.After paying tributes to Rajiv Gandhi on his 80th birth anniversary at a function here, Revanth Reddy said the statue of Rajiv Gandhi would be unveiled in front of the Telangana Secretariat soon.
“When we are proposing to install the statue of Rajiv Gandhi, who sacrificed his life for the country, they (BRS leaders) are saying they will remove it. Despite losing power, their arrogance remains. Our party workers will take the responsibility to crush this arrogance,” Revanth Reddy said. He claimed that BRS will not return to power. Objecting to the decision of the ruling Congress in Telangana to install a statue of Rajiv Gandhi in front of the state secretariat complex here, BRS working president KT Rama Rao on Monday said the statue would be removed after his party comes to power in the state.
Disclaimer: CricketInFocus has not edited this news. This news has been published from PTI-language feed.
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