The detailed note of Delhi’s health secretary and other officials shows the mirror to the health minister who is used to writing letters to increase controversies rather than doing work: Virendraa Sachdeva

New Delhi. Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva has said that while on one hand the note of the Health Secretary is the result of the avoidable confrontation between the ministers of the Arvind Kejriwal government and the administrative officers, on the other hand we can say that the detailed note of the Health Secretary and other officers of Delhi shows the mirror to Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj, who is used to writing correspondence not to do work but to increase controversies.
Delhi BJP President has said that the Health Secretary and other officials have raised many important issues in their note but the issue of inconvenience being faced by the poor, especially the migrants, due to the cabinet not implementing the Ayushman Yojana in Delhi is very important. It is clear from the note of the officials that if the Kejriwal government implements the Ayushman Yojana, then the poor of Delhi as well as the migrants will get free treatment and the Delhi government will also get its payment from the Centre.
Similarly, it is clear from the letter of the officials that Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj only does the work of pointing out the shortcomings and does not do anything to increase the financial and administrative resources of the Health Department.
Virendra Sachdeva has said that Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj is answerable to the people of Delhi for what efforts he made to stop the distribution of fake medicines in Delhi Government hospitals, shortage of medicines, running of non-functional ICUs and to stop the rising cost of construction of the new block of Lok Nayak Hospital.
Delhi BJP President said that Kejriwal government’s claim of providing world class healthcare services is just a hoax but the truth is that Kejriwal government, like every other department, has betrayed the people by sacrificing the budget of the health department to corruption and scams.

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