PTI leader Azam Swati announced the rescheduling of the rally outside Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi after a meeting with Khan. He said that the rally has been rescheduled for September 8 as per the instructions of Imran Khan. He said that the government has agreed to the new date. Moreover, Khan had reportedly urged his supporters to return home, who had already started heading towards the rally venue.
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party led by jailed former prime minister Imran Khan has decided to postpone its planned rally in Islamabad on Thursday until next month. The decision came after the government refused to grant permission for the protest, leading to heightened tension in the capital.
PTI leader Azam Swati announced the rescheduling of the rally outside Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi after a meeting with Khan. He said that the rally has been rescheduled for September 8 as per the instructions of Imran Khan. He said that the government has agreed to the new date. Moreover, Khan had reportedly urged his supporters to return home, who had already started heading towards the rally venue.
The postponement came after a tense standoff between the PTI and government officials. The government had revoked the party’s no objection certificate (NOC) for the rally at the last minute, citing security concerns. Islamabad Chief Commissioner Muhammad Ali Randhawa suspended the NOC originally issued on July 31, saying it was unsafe to hold the event due to the current situation. Meanwhile, in response to fears of possible violence, earlier, when the PTI had said it would go ahead with the rally, authorities had ordered the closure of all private and public schools across the federal territory. Along with this, the Punjab Home Department also imposed Section 144 across the province, effective from Thursday to Saturday.
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