In a statement, Mamata Banerjee’s party said that they will not send spokespersons to these channels for discussions. The party alleged that the channels are forced to please the landlords of Delhi, as their promoters and companies are facing investigations and ongoing enforcement cases.
Protests continue over the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at a government medical college in Kolkata. Questions are constantly being raised on Mamata Banerjee and her government. Amidst all this, the Trinamool Congress has decided to boycott three news channels, accusing them of anti-Bengal, agenda-driven propaganda. Mamata Banerjee’s party said in a statement that they will not send spokespersons to these channels for discussion. The party alleged that the channels are “forced to please the landlords of Delhi, as their promoters and companies are facing investigations and ongoing enforcement cases”.
It also urged people not to be misled by individuals portrayed as party supporters or sympathisers on channels during debates. These people are not authorised by the party and do not represent its official stand, the statement said. The people of Bengal have consistently rejected this unholy anti-Bangla nexus and have always chosen truth over propaganda, the statement said. On August 9, a PG medical second-year student was raped and murdered at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. The Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress has come under fire for its handling of the murder and the subsequent doctors’ protest.
The BJP, which has been protesting against the state government, has demanded the resignation of the chief minister, saying she has failed to ensure the safety of women, making West Bengal the most unsafe state in the country. Meanwhile, the Trinamool Congress rejected the BJP’s allegations, accusing them of taking advantage of public discontent over rape and murder and trying to destabilise the democratically elected Mamata Banerjee government.
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