Jaipur. Union Minister of State Ravneet Singh Bittu filed his nomination papers as a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate for the Rajya Sabha by-election from Rajasthan. Bittu reached the Vidhan Sabha Bhawan here and filed his nomination papers in the office of Election Officer Mahavir Prasad Sharma. Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma, Deputy Chief Ministers Premchand Bairwa and Diya Kumari and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Jogaram Patel were also present with him on this occasion. According to a government statement, Ravneet Singh submitted four sets of his nomination papers.
Sunil Kothari has also filed his nomination papers as a replacement candidate from the BJP. Three candidates filed their papers till the last day of nomination on Wednesday. Earlier, on Saturday, August 17, independent candidate Babita Baghwani also filed her nomination papers. Scrutiny of nomination papers will be done on August 22, while candidates can withdraw their names till August 27. Voting, if necessary, will be held on September 3 from 9 am to 4 pm. Counting of votes will take place on the same day. There are a total of 10 Rajya Sabha seats in Rajasthan and one of them is vacant. Out of the nine seats, BJP has four and Congress has five.
Earlier, BJP candidate Bittu, who reached the Vidhan Sabha Bhawan, also participated in the BJP Legislature Party meeting and thanked the party for making him the Rajya Sabha candidate from Rajasthan. The Chief Minister, other leaders and MLAs congratulated Bittu. Sharma addressed the Legislature Party meeting. BJP state unit president and Rajya Sabha member Madan Rathore was also present on this occasion. After the nomination, the Chief Minister congratulated Bittu and wrote on Instagram, “I was present on the occasion of filing the nomination of Hon’ble Union Minister of State Ravneet Singh Bittu, BJP candidate for the Rajya Sabha by-election from Rajasthan. I am confident that your unique working style will accelerate the development journey of not only the state but the entire country…”
He wrote, “Advance wishes for Vijayashree (to you)…” This Rajya Sabha seat from Rajasthan has fallen vacant after K C Venugopal (Congress) resigned after being elected as a Lok Sabha member. The term of membership on this seat will be till 21 June 2026. Looking at the strength of the ruling BJP in the Assembly, Bittu’s election is considered certain. The opposition party Congress has decided not to field a candidate in this by-election.