Protests broke out in an engineering college in Andhra Pradesh’s Krishna district after a hidden camera was found in the toilet of the girls’ hostel and the videos were allegedly circulated among students. A final year student has been detained in connection with the incident. After the camera placed inside the campus hostel of Gudlavalleru College of Engineering was found by a student, students staged a protest on Thursday night and raised serious concerns about their safety and privacy on the campus.
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Hidden camera in girls’ toilet in Andhra Pradesh hostel
Protests broke out at SR Gudlavalleru Engineering College in Andhra Pradesh’s Krishna district on Thursday after a hidden camera was allegedly found in the toilet of the girls’ hostel. The girl students gathered in the hostel and raised slogans demanding justice and urged the authorities to take action against those responsible and ensure their safety on campus. The video, allegedly recorded by the hidden camera, was circulated among students in the boys’ hostel. Police have detained a final year engineering student in connection with the case and investigations are underway.
How did the incident happen?
NDTV reports that the incident took place when some girl students discovered a hidden camera in their toilet on Thursday evening, causing immediate concern and distress. The discovery led to a chaotic reaction as students began protesting around 7 pm which continued till Friday morning with “We want justice” slogans echoing across the campus. Police have said that the investigation is ongoing and they are still trying to find out if any other students were involved in setting up the camera and distributing the video.
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More than 300 photos and videos were leaked
Reports suggest that over 300 photos and videos have been leaked from the women’s hostel toilet, with some students reportedly purchasing these videos from a student who is being questioned by the police. The discovery of the hidden camera and the subsequent release of the sensitive footage has left many female students extremely upset. Many have expressed concern and discomfort about using the toilet facilities, while some have opted to avoid the area altogether. Officials have assured that strict action will be taken against those responsible.
The protest comes amid nationwide demonstrations by doctors and others condemning the rape and murder of a junior doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar hospital. Bharatiya Janata Party’s IT cell chief and West Bengal in-charge Amit Malviya on Monday shared a purported video showing a crowd gathering in the seminar room on the fourth floor of Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital – where a trainee doctor was allegedly brutally raped and murdered – soon after the incident. According to Amit Malviya, the crime scene was “completely destroyed” in the presence of doctors, policemen, hospital staff and outsiders.