Preparations for Modi’s visit began weeks ago, involving close coordination on logistics and security. Modi is expected to travel on the ‘Rail Force One’ overnight train, which carried Biden from Poland to Kyiv in February 2023.
Everyone will remember US President Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine in February. When the US President chose to travel by train for his Kiev tour. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Ukraine on August 23. The Prime Minister is expected to stay in Kiev for seven hours, while his visit will also include 20 hours on the train. Leaders like US President Joe Biden and French chief Emmanuel Macron have traveled by train before this train. Modi’s is the first visit by an Indian leader since Russian action against Ukraine began in February 2022. The Ministry of External Affairs formally announced this visit on Monday.
Preparations for Modi’s visit began weeks ago, involving close coordination on logistics and security. Modi is expected to travel on the ‘Rail Force One’ overnight train that carried Biden from Poland to Kyiv in February 2023. Ukraine swapped diesel locomotives for electric ones after Russia caused extensive damage to the country’s power network and power generation units, increasing the time it takes for the train to travel from the Polish border to Kyiv.
When Biden reached Ukraine by train
There was speculation that Biden would visit Kiev around February 24, the anniversary of the Russian attack. However, the White House had said that the President had no plans to visit Ukraine. Biden’s entire trip was kept top secret. US planes were monitoring the entire city of Kiev. Biden arrived in Ukraine on a surprise visit on February 20. For this, these planes used Poland’s airspace. This visit of President Biden was kept top secret. No one got any news. A very small convoy reached Ukraine with Biden. Two more people, including the National Security Advisor, were present with him.
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