In June, Bhagwat met Yogi Adityanath a few days after the BJP suffered a setback in Uttar Pradesh in the Lok Sabha elections. Meanwhile, Keshav Prasad Maurya once again praised Yogi Adityanath amid speculation of a rift between the two leaders ahead of the meeting.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will meet RSS joint general secretary Arun Kumar at 7 pm. Top BJP leaders of the state will also attend the meeting to be held at the Chief Minister’s official residence. Yogi Adityanath’s deputies Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, BJP state unit chief Bhupendra Singh Choudhary and organisation general secretary Dharampal Singh will be present in the meeting. The meeting at 5, Kalidas Marg in Lucknow took place two months after Yogi Adityanath’s meeting with RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat.
In June, Bhagwat met Yogi Adityanath a few days after the BJP suffered a setback in Uttar Pradesh in the Lok Sabha elections. Meanwhile, Keshav Prasad Maurya once again praised Yogi Adityanath amid speculation of a rift between the two leaders ahead of the meeting. Maurya lauded Yogi Adityanath, stressing on the present government’s unwavering commitment to both devotion to Lord Ram and patriotism. He said the BJP-led UP government was firmly following in the footsteps of respected Uttar Pradesh leader and former chief minister late Kalyan Singh.
Maurya’s remarks were aimed at dispelling rumours of any political differences within the party. This is Maurya’s second public comment in praise of Yogi Adityanath in the last few days. Speaking at an event in Mirzapur on Sunday, Keshav Prasad Maurya said there is no other chief minister like Yogi Adityanath in the entire country.
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