Yuvraj Singh’s father Yograj Singh once again got angry at MS Dhoni and told how Dhoni ruined his son Yuvraj Singh’s cricket career. He said that he will never forgive the former Indian wicketkeeper batsman Dhoni because his son could have played for the team for 5-6 more years.
Former Indian cricket team player Yuvraj Singh’s father Yograj Singh has once again made serious allegations against MS Dhoni. He also said that Dhoni ruined his son Yuvraj Singh’s cricket career. He said that he will never forgive former Indian wicketkeeper batsman Dhoni because his son could have played for the team for 5-6 more years.
Yuvraj Singh’s father Yograj Singh has previously blamed MS Dhoni for the downfall of his son’s cricket career. This time too, he did not refrain from targeting Dhoni. Yograj Singh said that Dhoni should look at his face in the mirror.
He said that Dhoni is such a big cricketer, but he did not do anything good to Yuvraj Singh. Talking to Zee Switch YouTube channel, Yograj said that I will not forgive MS Dhoni and he should look at his face in the mirror. Yograj further said that he is a great cricketer, but whatever he has done against my son. All that is coming out now, he can never be forgiven in life.
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