After the Lok Sabha elections are over, the prices of these things have increased, people will be hit by inflation

The Lok Sabha elections were concluded in the country on June 1. After the completion of the Lok Sabha elections 2024, the results are now coming on June 4. The whole country is waiting eagerly to see the results of these Lok Sabha elections. After these general elections held in India, speculations are being made since June 1 that the NDA government will easily get the way for the third term. At the same time, the NDA will come to power once again and for the third consecutive time under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. However, even before the election results are out, inflation has hit the common man hard.

After the elections are over, on one hand, the leaders of political parties will be in a state of turmoil over the results. This turmoil will be pacified only after the results are out. On the other hand, even before the results are out, the people of the country have received a big shock of inflation. In this connection, information has come about the increase in toll rates on the National Highway. NHAI officials say that the toll tax prices have been increased by three to five percent since June. The official said that the decision to increase the toll tax price had been taken earlier, which has now been implemented.

Milk prices also increased

Amul, the milk producing company in the country, has increased the price of milk by two rupees per litre late on Sunday night. Amul Gold has increased from Rs.64 to Rs.66 per litre. Amul Tea Special has increased from Rs.62 to Rs.64, Amul Shakti from Rs.60 to Rs.62 per litre. A 500 ml pouch of Amul buffalo milk is now priced at Rs.37 instead of Rs.35 while the price of one litre pack has become Rs.72 instead of Rs.70. Not only milk, Amul has also increased the price of curd. After Amul, Mother Dairy also increased the price of milk by two rupees per litre.

Mother Dairy increased the price

Mother Dairy has also increased the price of milk. The price of Mother Dairy milk has increased by two rupees per liter. The price of Mother Dairy milk has increased from Rs. 52 to Rs. 54, toned milk to Rs. 56 instead of Rs. 54, cow milk to Rs. 58 instead of Rs. 56, full cream milk to Rs. 68 instead of Rs. 66, buffalo milk to Rs. 72 instead of Rs. 70 and double toned milk to Rs. 50 instead of Rs. 48 per liter.

Bus fares increased in Uttar Pradesh

Fares of roadways buses have also increased in Uttar Pradesh. This fare has been increased from June 3. Due to this, inflation has hit the pockets of the people.

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