Calling Kejriwal a political prisoner is an insult to freedom fighters and Emergency prisoners, MP Sandeep Pathak must apologize immediately: Delhi BJP

New Delhi: Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor has condemned Aam Aadmi Party MP Sandeep Pathak for calling Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal a political prisoner and called it an insult to freedom fighters and other political prisoners locked up during the Emergency.

The Delhi BJP spokesperson said that AAP leaders should stop their daily political drama and should not try to make diabetes a medical ground for bail. There is no doubt that diabetes is a serious illness, but it cannot be made a mandatory condition for bail as it is medically manageable and hundreds of prisoners in jail have diabetes.

Kapoor said that calling Arvind Kejriwal a political prisoner is an insult to the sacrifices of lakhs of freedom fighters who were jailed by the British during the freedom struggle and also to more than a lakh people who were locked up during the Emergency declared by the Congress government in 1975. Comparing Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest to that of freedom fighters and other political prisoners is an insult to their sacrifice and service.

The problem with Sandeep Pathak and his other AAP colleagues is that they consider politics as a profession i.e. a means of livelihood and for them taking political advantage is part of the system and they find nothing wrong in the money taken by Kejriwal and Sisodia etc in exchange for the money in the liquor scam of the Delhi government.

Sandeep Pathak should try to understand the pain suffered by freedom fighters and Emergency detainees before calling Kejriwal a political prisoner.

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