Shaurya Path: Discussion on Gaza Peace Plan, Netanyahu, Russia-Ukraine and Russia-Taliban relations

In CricketInFocus’s special program Shauryapath, we asked Brigadier DS Tripathi a question on US President Joe Biden’s Gaza Peace Plan. At the same time, we wanted to know whether Israel and Hamas will accept it? We asked Brigadier DS Tripathi that the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court have issued arrest warrants on the leaders of both Israel and Hamas and have given instructions to stop the fighting. Will this make any difference? We asked that the US and Western countries have given Ukraine the right to use the weapons given by them inside Russia. How do you see this? At the same time, we also asked questions related to Afghanistan-Russia.

1. US President Joe Biden has announced the Gaza Peace Plan. Will Israel and Hamas accept it and will it lead to peace?

– In response to this question, Brigadier Tripathi said that there should be peace. This is no longer a war but has now become a human tragedy. Israel has not achieved anything in this so far. He said that there was a pause in the war once. But peace could not be established. The whole world is watching Israel. It is also being criticized. Israel reached Rafah while it was saying from the beginning that we will not go. Regarding the peace plan, Brigadier Tripathi said that the US President has said that this is Israel’s plan. The US President is claiming that he will talk to both. It has also been given to the UNSC. Hamas has also been told about it. Three phases have been included in this plan. In the first, a 6-week ceasefire, Israel will be asked to retreat. At the same time, there will be talk of releasing the hostages as well. He said that in the second phase, there will be an attempt at talks. How to have a permanent ceasefire will be implemented. In phase three, how to establish Gaza, how to bring things back on track. Brigadier Tripathi said that it will not be easy to implement this peace plan. There are many challenges before the Prime Minister of Israel. Convincing both of them is also a big challenge.

2. The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court have issued arrest warrants against the leaders of both Israel and Hamas and have ordered them to stop fighting. Will this make any difference?

Brigadier Tripathi said that warrants have been issued to Israel and Hamas leaders for the humanitarian tragedy and genocide. International Court of Justice is a body of the United Nations. Discussions are being held on this on the basis of humanity. The attack on Rafah and Gaza should stop. It is being claimed that the court is also saying the same thing. But Israel is not ready for this at the moment. He said that this warrant and notice is not going to make much difference to Israel. The entire matter should have been processed in the Israeli court first. But it did not happen. If this matter comes to the International Court of Justice, then America can veto it. Israel has been continuously denying the entire matter. However, there are some things that are going against Israel.

3. The US and Western countries have given Ukraine the right to use the weapons provided by them inside Russia. How do you view this?

– Brigadier Tripathi said that the war between Russia and Ukraine is going on. Ukraine has become completely weak. However, whatever has been said by the western countries will definitely strengthen it. However, the big question is where will Ukraine retaliate. Ukraine cannot go inside Russia now, rather Russia has come very far inside it. In such a situation, if Ukraine retaliates, it will retaliate on its own land. Earlier also Ukraine was fighting this war on the weapons of western countries. However, it was not officially confirmed. But now its discussion has come to the fore. But Ukraine is not going to benefit much from this. Yes, the morale of its soldiers will definitely increase. But if Ukraine becomes aggressive, then Russia will increase the attack even more rapidly.

4. Now let’s move a little towards Afghanistan. China has already accepted the ambassador of Afghanistan and has established relations. Now it seems that Russia is also trying to establish relations with Afghanistan. How do you see this?

– Brigadier Tripathi said that the whole world keeps an eye on Afghanistan. Afghanistan is very important for the market in Asia. It has its own geographical importance and every country wants to take advantage of it. China has also tried to recognize the Taliban government on this basis. Afghanistan has mines and mineral mines. At the same time, Afghanistan becomes very important for China for road construction. Regarding Russia, he said that Russia knows that if it has to increase its trade, then Afghanistan becomes very important for it. Russia and Afghanistan have had relations before. Efforts are being made to build it once again. Both Russia and China believe that Afghanistan can never be sidelined.

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