Modi’s penance has paid off, what happened before the voting results, Pakistan is going to return PoK to India!


A rare admission came from Pakistan’s additional attorney general on May 31 in the abduction case of Kashmiri poet and journalist Ahmed Farhad Shah. The Islamabad court was hearing the case of Ahmed Farhad Shah, who was abducted from his home in Rawalpindi by Pakistan’s intelligence agencies on May 15.

No matter how much effort is made to hide the truth, it always comes out. Before the election results in India, PM Modi has got a big victory. Before the results, the whole world was waiting for the exit polls. But a big game has been played. On June 4, when the counting will start in India, at the same time, the Prime Minister of Pakistan will disappear from his country. It seems as if PM Modi, who is meditating in the middle of the sea, has got the fruits of his penance. Pakistan may keep making claims about POK, but today its lies have been exposed by its own mouth. The Pakistani government has admitted before the Islamabad High Court that Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) is a foreign territory and Pakistan has no jurisdiction over it. A rare confession came from the Additional Attorney General of Pakistan on May 31 in the kidnapping case of Kashmiri poet and journalist Ahmed Farhad Shah. The Islamabad court was hearing the case of Ahmed Farhad Shah, who was kidnapped by Pakistan’s intelligence agencies from his house in Rawalpindi on May 15.

Pakistan’s public prosecutor is saying that POK is a foreign territory. In such a situation, Pakistan has no claim on it. The Indian government has been continuously saying that POK is our part and we will take it back. In such a situation, this confession of Pakistan’s public prosecutor in the court has strengthened India’s claim on POK. From what the Pakistani government said in the court, it seems that they are getting entangled in their own web. The more they are trying to suppress the Ahmed Faraar case, the more it is coming to the fore. India openly claims POK. But this shows how much difference there is between Pakistan’s words and actions. if it is a foreign land On whose orders were the Pakistani Rangers sent?

Islamabad High Court Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani wanted Farhad Shah to be produced before the court following a plea by the poet’s wife. Pakistan’s additional attorney general argued before Justice Kayani that Farhad Shah was in police custody in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) and could not be produced before the Islamabad High Court, Pakistan Today reported. The additional attorney general said that Kashmir is a foreign territory, which has its own constitution and its own courts, and the decisions of Pakistani courts in PoK appear as decisions of foreign courts, Pakistan Today reported.

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